I'm sure many of you have heard of Big Brother. Maybe you also know what an unperson is. You may remember reading about the memory hole. Or even about a mindcrime. That means you have heard about, or read, George Orwell's novel 1984, one of the most representative novels of the dystopian (dystopia being a negative utopia) genre ever written. I have only read it once in my life, many years ago, and, since then, I have never touched that book again. Once and no more was enough for me. Hell, the fact that I did not have bad dreams about it is quite surprising.
Fortunately, there are ways to change things, of making a bit of light shine all over the darkness in Oceania. You can find on the Internet things like "Images of 1984" - Stories from Oceania, where the idea is that, actually, Oceania is just formed by the island of Great Britain, which became a North Korea-style country, and the European nations, the Commonwealth and the United States spend many years trying to find a way to pull down the Ingsoc regime in the island.
However, there is another story I want to speak about, one in which I am participating (in fact, I am pretty much in charge of the story in version 2.0, correcting mistakes and improving some details that were not well dealt with in the original) and which is, in my humble opinion, a reflection on one of the best ways Oceania (and the other super-states that appear in the novel) should be erased: stomped out by a democratic nation, using what they believed would prevent a rebellion to defeat them, and showing them to be lower than dirt.
America's Stepbrother, America's Enemy begins on December 21st 2012 (that day they tried to sell use that the world would end up that day according to the Mayans, even if they had actually never predicted anything like that). The United States of America has had its presidential elections six weeks before, and Barack Obama has easily won over Mitt Romney, securing four more years in the Oval Office.
However, this hope becomes truncated when the sky of the United States (CONUS, plus Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Guantanamo) is covered by a strange layer of purple color between 12 AM and 7 AM (Eastern Standard Time) of the day December 22nd 2012, and when that layer vanishes, the rest of the world has been replaced by its equivalents in the book 1984 (which, in the story's "original" universe, was published as The Last Man of Europe and never became the great success it was for us), although with a few things that never came out from the books. At the same time, all the US Arme Forces elements that were out of American territory before the Event happens suddenly appear within the United States, some of them in very awkward situations (for example, a tank platoon that was in patrol in Iraq suddenly appears in the depths of the Great Canyon, and every military port becomes full like sardine cans).
Very soon, the Oceanian forces (which control the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and South Africa) try to invade the United States, but they are easily repelled. American attempts to find peace are rejected, and soon the United States enters a war for its own survival as they try to find out what is going on and how to fix the economic problems that have been cause by the Event, as suddenly, the country has lost all sources for the most important materials. Rationing is forced on the nation due to this loss, but careful organization of resources prevents further problems in the population.
Soon, the United States bears its full military force against Oceania, and proves to be much superior in the art of war: Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia have, for many years, been fighting a war no one is actually trying to win (as their main objective is to waste resources to keep their population down and unable to better their lot), and they are unable to change the chip fast enough to fight against an army that is much more modern, able and skillful than theirs, not to mention that the USA actually wants to win the war.
The first phase of the so-called Liberation Wars against the Threeist super-states (as they are three states with pretty much the same ideology, someone in the thread suggested calling said ideology Threeism and the idea stuck), the American armies, along with the few allies that were in the United States when the Event happened, begin to work very hard to defeat Oceania, acquiring new allies among the proles and Outer Party members that are opposed to Big Brother's brutal tyranny, but cannot do anything to really fight them. Among them are Winston Smith and Julia, the novel's main characters, who manage to avoid the cruel destiny that awaited them in the book thanks to the appearance of the United States.
However, this is not the only change respect the events of the books that happen here. For example, the super-states of Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia are not the only nations of the world, and there is great resistance presented to the Threeist states: a group of proles in England, led by the Archbishop of York, manage to keep the Word of God alive among the British people; the Indochina Iron Triangle (formed by Vietnam, Laos and other smaller countries) is a group that offers brutal resistance to any attempt by Eastasia to invade them; Australia is formed by many small cities that are completely free of Ingsoc presence, but unable to free the rest of the island-continent on their own; the European nations managed to evacuate part of their population and their armies towards Spain and Italy to then pass to North Africa, where, in collaboration with the local people, they formed a nation called Federated Kingdom of North Africa (my best contribution to the story!); Israel controls Palestina and northern Egypt (including the Suez Canal)...
In just eight months, the United States manage to free all of America north of the border between Panama and Colombia, as well as a good part of the Caribbean - save for a few islands with little to none Party presence, and all of which are freed easily at a later point. Then, Operation Southern Cross is carried out, in order to free South America, capture the Party leaders in the region... and, as an extra, finally have access to coffee, chocolate and hundreds of things that have been sorely missed by the people for many months. At this point, there are even many former proles (the people that form the lower class in the Oceanian society) that join up the Army, ready to help those that are like they were to find the true freedom they have not met yet.
At the point in which version 2.0 is right now, most of South America has fallen to American hands, save for part of Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile: everything else has been freed, and nothing seems to be able to stop them - not even Oceania's nuclear weaponry stock, part of which is kept somewhere in Great Britain. Actually, when Oceania tries to use them, the airship that is carrying the weapons is shot down over Greenland and the Americans respond by dropping MOAB on the four Ministries in London and on the two bases where the airships and nuclear devices were worked with.
The 1.0 version reached further in time, although it is my objective to reach and surpass said limit: after freeing the rest of South America, three fleets were sent to Australia, South Africa and Great Britain, the latter of which is reached right on time to save Winston and Julia from being murdered by O'Brien. Winston ends up becoming the first Prime Minister of the Restored United Kingdom, and O'Brien only goes scot free because he gives up his knowledge about Oceania's nuclear weapon arsenal (hidden under Saint Andrews) in exchange of immunity, an identity change and being allowed to live without being disturbed. Contact with the Iron Triangle allows the United States to prepare itself for the second phase of the Liberation Wars, in which they knock out Eastasia with the help of several surviving Mongol tribes and the Japanese Resistance, led by Hiro-hito's son, the only survivor of the Japanese Imperial Family massacre. The high point of this part of the war is the destruction of Eastasia's Ingsoc-equivalent's headquarters, carried out with launching missiles at the building while officers take bets on the way the building will fall.
This version stopped after many, many posts, as stories were jumping in time with no actual order, and some of the writers were not the really the best at the time of writing well (in terms of ortography, grammar and fluency), so there were suggestions to begin the story anew and fix up all of the problems. I took charge of it, and in little over a year, we have had more than 500 posts and 30,000 visits, which is quite good.
That is all for today. Let's see what I can make up for net Friday. I have an idea or two already running thorugh my head, but, of course, from idea to full-fledged post there is a lot of walking. Anyway, I will do everything in my hand to make sure it is there.
Greetings, and I will see you soon.
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